Hi there! I'm Amie Devero, the host of the Beyond Better community. The most important thing to know about me is that I am driven by insatiable curiosity about great thinking, leadership, comunication and organizations --and about the endless possibilities of our own framing of life and the world. It's my profession, but also my hobby. Stoking and satisfying my own curiosity is the point--and there's no way to do that alone. That's why we're here together; because ideas, great thinking and eureka moments happen best in a community.
If you are as curious as me, you already know why. This is a place for shared inquiries and learning. It will also be a place for courses, articles, Masterminds and other kinds of groups, videos and more. The community will grow and thrive only to the extent that we all contribute. That means your ideas and suggestions for new topics, content, articles, courses or groups are welcome.
Thank you for taking a leap of faith on a seedling community. I can't wait to learn more from you as we grow together.